I believe that it’s really important to make my fees transparent so that there are no unexpected financial surprises when you start working with me. And you know what to expect. Journeying into Functional Medicine is not inexpensive, but it is an investment in your health,. And you will save lots of money during and in the long-run.

  • Category: Nutritional
  • Service Duration: 1 Minutes
  • Address: Leeds, UK (Map)
  • More Info: No. 07889611998
  • Price:Free



After your consultation I will of asked a series of questions (to help me become a little more familiar with your case i.e. such as; medical health history. also I will ask about your current (and prior) diet as well as your condition, symptoms and maybe allergies maybe different. 

I take a holistic approach so it’s helpful for both you and me as it helps me understand any lifestyle factors such as any stress, and if so.. How much stress? More often than not some family or work pressures could be affecting and impacting on your health, which will be contributing to your weight increases, as well as other relevant factors and other random fluctuations.   By the end of your consultation, I aim to have a clear understanding of factors that may be influencing your current health status. 

Together and between us, we will have come to a few decisions covering quite a bit of necessary ground. By creating a practical phased programme tailored to your lifestyle, and esp to support your health encompassing as appropriate, diet and lifestyle modifications, supplements, functional laboratory testing options and/or medical referrals as necessary. 

I will also give you some further advice that will improve any sleeping irregularities - if needed? Helping you in ways to help you sleep soundly at night. You will leave with a clear understanding of how we can work together to achieve your optimum health through nutrition.

Thank you