Question; Why are you overweight or obese, is it dietary? One of my main objectives is to find out if the problem is tied to being an emotional eater, physiological or psychological and for example maybe being an ‘emotional eater’ results in you having a difficult relationship with food? This generous package comes with and includes a very flexible plan you lose weight. Importantly not seeing the weight re-appear months later... Here’s what you get with the Weight-Loss Program A personalised and tailored weight loss plan -regular access to myself with professional and up to date education - A full screening inc, dietary assessment with health assessment -regular check-ins to help support your 'weight loss' - Body composition and analysis (In Studio,) - blood test (If you chose to?) looking at over 30 markers including liver, thyroid and cholesterol -regular appointments - after start date as begun. And assessment has been carried out after discussing your results with you. - Regular discussions n' contact time (check ins and appointments) - supportive material encouraging your 'weight loss' And much much more including advice and assistance with improving your lifestyle - Contributing and continuing your learning educating about diet and nutrition Professional and up to date education and knowledge - both acquired through experience and learnt education and more...

  • Category: Nutritional
  • Service Duration: 1 Minutes
  • Address: Grace Street, Leeds LS1 2RP, UK (Map)
  • Price:£440.00



On the 3rd Nutrition Plan you will look and begin to think in confidence and start to feel better about yourself. This is a truly personalised program for those who are fed up with a lack of results, but committed to change.  

✔️ A comprehensive health review 

✔️ A 60 minute results and recommendations consultation

Which will lead into;  

✔️ A full screening inc, dietary health assessment 

✔️ regular weekly check-ins to help support your 'weight loss' 

  ✔️Body composition and analysis  (In Studio,)


✔️ blood test (If you chose to?) looking at over 30 markers including liver, thyroid and cholesterol  

✔️   supportive material encouraging your 'weight loss' 

And much much more including

✔️ advice and assistance with improving your lifestyle 

✔️  continuing your learning about diet and nutrition


✔️ Professional and up to date experience and learnt education   and  more...

and  more...

You can choose: You may choose regular interface using screens, or telephone and face to face if you prefer regular face to face discussions that are of preference, or a mix of all three? (work or family commitments).

An appointment is also advised for your detailed laboratory testing results (if opted) and so on monthly, as I'll be incorporating your results into your programme.

I am in between witching payment methods so please Email, or call and will discuss with you options for approved payment methods, thank you. 

What To Do Next?

You may make an appointment to book a session with the view of booking more later, or book your initial health and nutritional assessment.